Pool pumps can last from about 8 years to 15 years or more. The lifespan of this important piece of equipment often depends on the type of pump you purchase and whether you maintain your pump regularly.
One of the main signs of a possible problem with your pool pump is if the water looks cloudy, or if algae or dirt has accumulated on the surface of the pool. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that the entire pump is broken, or that you have to replace the entire pump. In some cases, you may only need to replace part of the pump, such as the motor or filter. In most cases, pool owners are better off having a professional do these repairs, as someone with the experience and tools to get the job done right can usually quickly make any repairs needed so you can enjoy your pool again.
There are some signs that your problem may only involve part of the pool pump.
Your pump is overheating
Pool pumps can overheat if there is a problem with the impeller or other reasons that cause the pump to lose power. Priming is the process that causes the pump to draw water from the pool and through the filter.
If your pool pump won't start, air may be flowing through the pump. This causes the impeller to spin faster than usual, which wears out the pump's motor. This can also lead to more serious problems, such as pump leaks.
High-pressure reading
If your filter's pressure gauge is reading high, it may mean that there is a problem with your impeller. Or, it might be a simpler question. A good start is to check the pump filter basket. If it is overloaded, excess debris can get into the impeller and make it non-functional.
If the basket is clean, you may have another problem with your impeller. Some possibilities are that it's too weak for the size of your pool, or that it's worn out and needs to be replaced.
Strange sound
Noises from your pool pump, such as humming, grinding, popping, or squealing, may indicate a problem with the motor in your pool pump. Depending on the problem, repairing individual parts may solve the problem. Alternatively, you may need to replace the entire motor. A trained pool specialist can help find the problem and recommend the best way to fix it.
When you need to replace the pool pump
If you are not sure whether to repair the pump or install a new pump, consider whether:
The pump has been used for more than 12 to 15 years;
Cracked, leaking, rusted, or rotted pump casing or
The manufacturer has stopped making the damaged pump parts.
While some pool pump problems are easy to fix, other more complex problems require expert help. It is often difficult for homeowners to accurately diagnose pool pump problems because many different types of problems look the same. If these problems go untreated for a long time, they can lead to expensive repairs.
Can you shock a pool without the pump running?
If your pool turns green or algae blooms overnight, it may be because your pool pump has stopped working. When this happens, homeowners sometimes try shortcuts, such as trying to shock the pool without a working pool pump. While this may be tempting, it is not recommended to shock the pool until the pool pump is up and running again.
Pool shocks come when you add high levels of chlorine to your water to kill algae, destroy fungi and bacteria, and help keep your pool clean. Your pool pump is an important part of this process. If you try to shock your pool without a working pump, it will be difficult to completely remove algae and other debris from the water. Even if your pool does get clear after shaking without the pump running, it will only stay clean for a few days before the algae start blooming, and then you'll have cloudy pool water again.
A pool pump is a piece of equipment that has many different key components to help it run. The pump consists of a motor, filter, and impeller. When you shock the pool, the pump works by circulating the water and chlorine in the pool. Plus, it helps filter out any algae and other debris from the water.
If your pump stops working, if you have questions about your impact pool, or experience any other pool issues, the best way to get help is to contact a professional or get a new pool pump. If you want to buy a new swimming pool pump, welcome to
contact us.
MAYGO is a professional
custom swimming pool pump manufacturer. MAYGO POOL focuses on providing professional technical solutions for residential and commercial swimming pools. At present, we have provided swimming pool solutions to thousands of customers in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, etc. We have a team of engineers and mold making with extensive experience in electromechanical and CFD hydraulic design. They are fully committed to research and development. MAYGO has obtained a number of patents, as well as CE, SAA, ETL, CCC, CANS certifications.