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What is a Pool Cartridge Filter and How to Maintain It?


There are three different types of pool filters. They are cartridge filters, sand filters, and diatomaceous earth (DE) filters. Among them, cartridge filters only require low maintenance to keep your pool clean. This article mainly introduces what a cartridge filter is and how it works.

There are three different types of pool filters. They are cartridge filters, sand filters, and diatomaceous earth (DE) filters.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but cartridge filters are the best option for first-time pool owners. They require low maintenance and supervision while keeping your pool clean. If you're renovating your pool, consider cartridge filters to keep your pool cleaner.

What is a Pool Cartridge Filter?

Cartridge pool filters are most common in spas and smaller pools. According to Pool and Hot Tub Village, these have been around in the pool industry for quite some time, but recently, they have become more popular. They are made of spun polyester and are placed inside the tank.

These systems work by pushing water from the pool into the tank. The skimmer collects larger debris, and the second basket collects anything the first basket may have missed. The water then passes through a polyester filter, and the dirt sticks to the screen, allowing clean water to pass through. Chlorine kills past bacteria.


According to Pool Center, a clean filter can capture particles as small as 25 microns. When they get dirty, you may notice the gauge rise to about 8 to 10 pounds. At this point, the filter needs to be cleaned to become more effective. However, you may need to do this for up to 6 months unless you have a small filter or have recently accumulated a lot of debris or algae.

Cartridge filters last about three to five years, and then you just need to ask your filter supplier to replace them. 

To make sure it lasts longer, try running your filter for a certain amount of time each day. It depends on the size and frequency of use of the pool, as well as the amount of debris and sunlight the pool sees on average. The good news is that replacing the filter is cost-effective, and depending on the size of the screen, it should only cost you about $100.

A nice benefit of cartridge filters is that you don't need backwashing. This is great for pool owners who don't want to wastewater, as it saves about 200 gallons of water per month.

The above describes the maintenance and working principle of the cartridge filter. If you need to buy a swimming pool filter or have related questions, please contact us.

MAYGO is a professional custom pool filter and accessories supplier. Our product range includes pool pumps, sand filters, cartridge filters, filtration systems, and pool accessories. The product is constantly updated and iterative, with more functions and more choices.